For everyone who hasn't seen me in a while (last blog post was in August last year! - whoops) - here's a quick "what's happened to me in the last while" post
Still at
unichurch @ Newcastle uni and loving it!
Still studying medicine, in 3rd year academic semester right now (which is like a subspecialty a week - ouch!) - looking forward to an 8 week prac in Tamworth in the middle of the year, then an 8 week prac in Belmont hospital to finish the year off.
FOCUS (Fellowship of Overseas Christian Uni Students) is going off this year! I love hanging out with the international students and pretending that I'm still Malaysian ;) We're going on camp this weekend which should be awesome - if you're coming, please let me know ASAP! if not, please pray for good weather, safe travel and that we'll learn heaps from God's word and get to know each other all better (the way that only camps can do!)
Yes, still going out with
Jeram :) almost 2 years now!
I have
facebook! But I don't check it very often these days because i end up wasting heaps of time on it *embarrased face*
And i have a beautiful little scooter that is exacerbating my "college spread" uni weight gain!