Pic of the moment

Pic of the moment
Hospital "coffee and muffin" special

Sunday, April 27, 2008

I am weak, but He is strong!

Just got back from FOCUS camp - about 25 of us went to Tahlee for the weekend and had a heap of fun hanging out, eating, hanging out some more, studying Romans, and not sleeping very much ;) highlights of the weekend for me:

- shopping with Paul at Woolies for food for 25 people for a weekend - pushing 2 fully-laden trollies around yelling out stuff like "THE END IS COMING! PREPARE YOURSELVES!!!" and "FOOD SHORTAGE!! GET IT WHILE YOU CAN!!" at the people who gave us really weird looks, and having a good chat with the lady at the checkout about what we were really doing (hehe)

- when the sun came out! It was raining for a whole week since I arrived back in Newcastle, but then the sun came out on Saturday and it was absolutely stunning! While rain is an incredible invention by God, so is the feeling that you get when the sun comes out again :) The sunset on Saturday looked something like this (but not the same, of course, because no two sunsets are ever the same!)

- reading through Romans, being challenged and taught by the talks and the studies, struggling through hard concepts with everyone else and understanding so much more about a passage that really had turned into a "ok I've read this before, that's great, now what" passage. I think one thing that really challenged me was the phrase "we rejoice ("boast") in hope of the glory of God" - it's one thing not to boast about or in yourself, but to rejoice and boast in the hope of the glory of God - that means actually showing it! It's one thing to go about life as a humble hermit - anyone can do that, really - but going out there and rejoicing in how good God is, and my hope of his glory? that's scary! I guess it also really is the kinda "final blow" to boasting in yourself - if i'm being humble and not saying anything for once, i guess there's always the "i hope people notice that i'm being humble" or the "i hope people notice the stuff that i'm not boasting about even without me saying anything" in the background, which is still, really, boasting in myself - if i'm going to boast about how it's all God - well it's not any me then, is it?! What I guess i'm getting as is that i think i want to work on not only not boasting about myself, but going out there and boasting about God - it's easy to boast about, for example, how good Jeram is (he bought me another pot of tulips even though I killed the last one! :D), but then boasting about God seems something so misplacedly unnatural! (how awesome is God for even inventing tulips! and also for creating people who give me tulips! :P)

And I think in the same way, I want to be out there to bring glory to God - which means "letting my light shine" - so what if i'm depressed, tired and feeling sick! R&R's one thing, but letting that slide into a self-absorbed misery is another. So I guess one aspect of bringing God the glory is to use the situations and gifts he's given me - i guess before i was losing focus and starting to doubt whether i'm in the right course, living in the right place, what's going to happen next semester, how am i going to survive this semester: looking back, God's blessed me in so many ways and he's definitely got a plan for me now - i guess until further notice, i'm going to be a med student, living at college, and not doing a half-assed job about it! so thankful for people placed along the path that have given me a kick along the way - if you're reading this, please make sure i'm studying! :)

And even through all this resolving - I know i'm not going to be able to do it without God pushing me along, and even though i'm not certain about the future, i can rejoice in the sure hope that God's got a plan for his glory, a plan for me, and that everything will work out according to that plan! (I am weak, but He is strong!)

in other news: I'm addicted to Umbrella (by Rihanna) (ella, ella, ay, ay, ay) and there's a party weekend on in Guild Wars! (lol there goes the resolution to study! i change my career to full time gamer! hm. something tells me that's an unwise plan... if Solomon can seek after pleasure to find out if it's the meaning of life.. oh yeh it turned out that was a vain "striving after the wind", huh. >< )


For when dreams increase and words grow many, there is vanity; but God is the one you must fear -- Ecclesiastes 5:7

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