Yes, this is a retrospective post... hehe - this is from Wednesday when I went to the beach after hospital!
So on wednesday, I went to hospital and saw my followthrough patient and went to ED and practiced some shortcase skills, then thought "it's a perfect day i'm going to the beach"
so i set the GPS to send me to near random beach...

next, i was sent along a tiny random road to a road that said "private road" - the GPS told me to keep going, so i thought "sure i'll check it out" - there were some beautiful dunes there and I thought "oooh this could be good" and followed the road to the end to find.... the Belmont Waste Water Works. :(
So i set the GPS to "Pelican Island Beach" and a little while later I was driving down a beautiful dirt road surrounded by thick shore forest wondering where I was going to end up....
1km later down this road, this beautiful beach popped into view!!

There were little hermit crabs trundling around between the rocks and little shoals of tiny shorefish (yes I was thinking "ooh ikan bilis!") and i went for a bit of wade (but i hadn't brought my swimmers! *sighs*)
After a little wander I went back to my car, when to my shock and horror the keys weren't in my pocket any more! Figuring that I must have dropped them on my walk, I went back along where I'd walked looking for them in that state of semi-panic you get when you lose your car keys on a mostly deserted beach and your mobile phone is locked in the car along with everything else, praying desperately that God would help me find them...
I eventually asked one of the bikini-clad locals if I could borrow her phone to make a NRMA call - turns out she was out of credit but she very nicely offered to help me look for my keys. After a while, she decided to walk back to her house and call NRMA from there and just as we were walking past my car again, i found my keys! in the sand, about 10m from my car - PHEW! thank God!!!
So I decided that it was time to leave that beach, but not having enough of rambling, I decided to head for another random beach nearby and check out redhead beach!

There was a beautiful 10 minute boardwalk down, and some awesome cliff faces and dunes to scramble up. The beach was pretty choppy tho, and the sand was really white and soft. After walking in the sand got painful, I decided it was time to do some more study so I headed off to Estabar on Newcastle Beach for some yummy scrambed eggs and some more study! Then off the 3 monkeys cafe for a raspberry orange frappe and some more study and then back home again after a big day!

joyce has become a picture blogger!!!
very nice pics!!
and good post layout!! xD
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